The Affordable Care Act is almost here.
“ObamaCare” is coming! Starting October 1st 2013, you can register at the “health insurance marketplace.” (Register at or 1-800-318-2596.)
US antismoking campaign works!
A 3 month, Federally funded national anti-smoking campaign that employed graphic images and messages about the effects of smoking has helped thousands to quit smoking.
Transition your Special-Needs Child into Adulthood
DuPont Hospital has posted a new series of videos on YouTube, for families of children with special needs. To learn about planning for the transition to adulthood, click below:
7 minute exercise.
Think you don’t have time to exercise? It turns out that doing a few pushups and “jumping jacks” every day is useful.
Fish is brain food! But mercury isn’t.
Fish is good for you! It’s high in protein, low in fat, and may even help brain development.
Maybe some fat is good for you?
We’ve all heard the wisdom that eating fat, any fat, is bad for you. “Fat-Free” is supposed to be healthy.
Processed foods are bad: More data
“Trans” fats are considered by many nutrition experts as the worst kind of dietary fat. Now, it appears that processed foods contain more of it than we know.
Not much flu yet … but it’s coming.
As of December 5th 2014, Delaware has seen 59 cases of confirmed influenza. One patient (apparently an elderly person) has died. Most cases, so far, have been in Sussex County.
Vaccination reduces illness. Again.
We’ve known for more than half a century that childhood vaccines dramatically reduce illness. The proof keeps coming!
Measles outbreak in Disneyland
Failure to vaccinate has caused an outbreak of Measles in California and other western states. As of the last week of January, 84 cases have been diagnosed, including many adults. Only 12% of victims are known to have received any measles vaccine. The original (“index”) case has not been identified, but it’s assumed that an infected overseas traveler infected several other visitors to Disneyland in Anaheim, California.
Should we give peanuts to infants?
A new study suggests that giving infants peanuts might reduce their rate of peanut allergy.
We’re making progress (a little) with childhood obesity.
Rates of obesity in young children, age 2 to 5, have dropped 5% in the past 10 years. (Click here to see a review of the study.) This is a good thing! But pediatric obesity rates in older children have not changed.
“Life before vaccines.”
The February 16th issue of New Yorker magazine included a thoughtful article about the anti-vaccine movement. (Click here to read it.)
Too much fast food!
American children eat too much fast food. Surprised? Me neither … but I am indeed surprised that it’s not improving.
Egg Allergy and Vaccines
There are three vaccines that are manufactured using chicken eggs: MMR, influenza, and yellow fever vaccine. If your child has a history of allergic reactions to eggs, you might be concerned about reactions to these vaccines. But for most children, they are perfectly safe.
Non-drug treatment of ADHD
Parents often ask how their children’s symptoms of ADHD can be treated without “stimulant” medication such as Focalin or Adderall.
Old-style toys are better.
Children’s toys and books sell because they engage. So any “doodad” that catches the eye of a kid, or his parents, helps to generate sales. Nowadays, lots of kids’ toys make noise or flash lights – even board books and traditional games like Monopoly have electronic versions. And screen-based entertainments have proliferated; apparently 3/4 of kids have their own cell phone or tablet by age 4.
Iron for infants helps development.
A new study shows that giving iron supplementation to young infants helps their gross motor development.
ADHD in preschoolers? Be cautious.
More than 10% of school-age American children have been diagnosed and treated for Attention Deficit Disorder. Many are helped by medication; treatment can truly be life-changing for them and their families.
Looking to donate breast milk?
Some nursing mothers are able to produce more milk than their own babies can drink.